A blog by a redhead, but not just for redheads. I’m an all-around fun, fearless, female confident in my knowledge of make-up artistry, products and styles and am here to help...if you want it!

16 December 2012


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Hello Lovelies,

I've been on quite a hiatus as of lately. I did make some promises I didn't keep and I'm sorry for that. I have, however, made a decision...I'm making a comeback but I'm also going to have a bit more of a flow with this blog. I've been a bit all over the board and I think I need to have a bit more focus here. Fear not though, I will keep talking beauty and fashion. Please bear with me while I figure this all out. If there is anything you want to see and read about please do let me know. I love hearing from you all.  In the meantime, keep this in mind....