A blog by a redhead, but not just for redheads. I’m an all-around fun, fearless, female confident in my knowledge of make-up artistry, products and styles and am here to help...if you want it!

23 June 2011

Let Them Eat (cup)Cake

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Summertime is when we all start to become a little more body conscious due to the fact that we will be peeling off all those Winter/Spring layers and showing off more of our shape.  This is the time where our purses definitely get slimmer due to shelling out cash for gym memberships or other exercise classes.  I have to admit something to you, me and the gym, we are not friends...Me and cupcakes are.  Therefore every Summer I have to ask myself, Summer Body or Cupcakes? The answer is usually cupcakes.  I like my sweets and cakes, I can't help it.

I am certainly no skinny mini and could probably stand to lose twenty a few pounds but I have to tell you, I'm not terribly unhappy with the way I look. I try to keep active with some (very occasional) running in the park. I like to walk home from work (3.5 miles) when the weather is nice. I swim in the pool in my building (not as often as I should) but I try to stay active in order to indulge in the deliciousness that is Hummingbird Bakery. I see no problem when there is a bit of balance.  Its not that I have given up completely on having Jillian Michaels' abs or Jennifer Aniston's butt, but I don't want to live my life at the gym and not get to enjoy the all food I love. I'm happy with being me plus or minus a few pounds, if it means I get to eat cake!

 Photos: cupcakes